Sunday, July 22, 2012

Confederate Star Jasmine

What a beautifully fragrant plant is the Confederate Star Jasmine! Some refer to it as simply Confederate Jasmine or Star Jasmine. When I purchased my flowering jasmine from Lowe's, the plant tag carried the full name of Confederate Star Jasmine.

I planted the Confederate Star Jasmine last October and found that I had to cover it perhaps 3 or 4 times to protect it from the cold weather. Luckily, our weather in Jacksonville, Florida doesn't get cold enough that often to want to freeze it.

Confederate Star Jasmine
I added a white trellis to accent the tiny white blooms. And, you can see my additional handiwork on the wrought iron bench and stone pavers patio project! This is the bench that I rescued from the middle of the backyard. It was embedded with sand and had never been graced with a coat of paint. Some 10 coats of white paint freshened this wrought iron bench up like new!

By the way, do you notice something interesting in that picture? Look closely! You can see "it" on the upper left back of the bench. There is a family of adorable little reptilian lizards living around the back and front of my house. This one loves to hang out on the wrought iron bench. I think I will name him Ferdinand!

Confederate Star Jasmine April 2014
Confederate Star Jasmine April 2014

Confederate Star Jasmine has an interesting other name of Trader's Compass. It is reported that this name comes "from an old Uzbekistan saying that it pointed traders in the right direction -- if they were of good character." --That's Trachelospermum jasminoides according to Wikipedia!

Why not consider growing a jasmine plant in your garden? I hope that you are able to experience the delicious fragrant blossom of the jasmine plant. It is like a bit of heaven on earth!

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