
Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sunflower Seedlings at Twenty-Three Days

It is measurement time for the sunflower seedlings in my flower garden! As of April 6, 2014, it has been twenty-three days since I planted the sunflower seeds. On the sixth day, March 20th, the sunflower seedlings first emerged or broke ground. Today, the 23rd day since the sunflower seed planting, I did my first measurements on the seedlings growth.

It is really curious that the most growth is being seen in the fourth row; the last row in which I planted the seeds!

Sunflower Garden Four Rows of Seedlings at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Garden Four Rows of Seedlings at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014 - 9:56am
Here is the sunflower garden on the twenty-third day. There is actually good growth throughout all four rows; however, the exceptional growth in the fourth row makes it look like those other rows are slackers!


Drumroll for the moment of truth! How big are the sunflower seedlings?

Sunflower Seedling Height of Six Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Seedling Height of Six Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014
The most height attained above ground is pretty much six inches and a hair. The sunflower seeds were planted a bit deeper this year, but the best growth is from the seedlings in the rows where the digging critter initially uprooted them.

Sunflower Seedling Width of Six Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Seedling Width of Six Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014
The widest width of the prospering sunflower seedlings is six to seven inches! Yes, many of the sunflower seedlings are wider than tall. Thankfully, the stems are thickening up to support the top heavy weight of the leaves. Using the black weed barrier cloth to cover the seedlings at night hasn't affected their posture so to speak. That is, they are all standing up pretty erectly.

Sunflower Seedling Width of Seven Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Seedling Width of Seven Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014
The biggest sunflower seedlings are in the part of the fourth row that was the first seedlings dug up by the critters. I guess it is a mixed blessing - a positive and negative.

Sunflower Seedling Width of Six Inches at 23 Days
Sunflower Seedling Width of Six Inches at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014
As you can see, there are a lot of different sunflower seedlings clumped together. I'd rather have more than not enough!


Since I wasn't really sure how well my harvested sunflower seeds from my first garden would grow, I did three pots of sunflower seedlings as a backup.

Sunflower Seedlings in Backup Pots at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Seedlings in Backup Pots at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014
Each morning, I uncover the three pots and bring them out into the sun on the brick patio at the back of my house. To the right, you can see the weed barrier cloth drying. The digging critter also found the two rectangular pots and did a bit of digging. The growth is probably average to above average in those two pots.

Sunflower Seedlings in Flower Pot at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Seedlings in Flower Pot at 23 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 6, 2014
There are two sunflower seedlings in the round flower pot. The larger one is a good seven inches wide from left to right and five-and-a-half inches wide top to bottom on the leaves. It is only about five inches tall.

I will continue to cover the sunflower seedlings at night for a little while longer. Fingers crossed that the digging critters go elsewhere! Like maybe China??

So, have I interested you at all in planting your own flower garden? May I heartily recommend to you, Burpee Sunflower Seeds! You can find a good variety at Amazon. And, be sure to check out my Sunflower Seedlings at Thirty Days!

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