A Black Rat Snake might make a good pet. It was early afternoon of May 3, 2016, as I was doing some painting and edging at the back of my house. I was wearing a pair of Crocs Primas with socks, so the top of my foot was not covered with a shoe. That was when I felt something on the top side of my right foot. I looked down at my foot to see a BLACK SNAKE resting there.
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
At first, I thought I had backed into a ladder and was careful so I didn't trip and fall. When I realized it was a snake, seemingly curled up and comfortable on my foot, I pulled my foot backwards and stepped away. It seemed to happen so fast, when my brain kicked in, and I loudly exclaimed, "what are you doing?"
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
The Black Rat Snake slowly moved away and then came up along side of the A/C unit and stopped. It was taking a look at me and probably wondering. I think I over-reacted and asked it again, "what are you doing?" I had never had an interaction with such a snake and maybe should have realized it wasn't posing me a threat, but was probably just curious.
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
When I first moved in, a neighbor was quick to tell me, "you have a black racer snake." As this was the first time I was seeing a black snake, I assumed it must be the black racer of which she spoke. However, doing a little research online, and noting the snake's mannerisms, I think this was a Black Rat Snake and not a racer.
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
I saw the Black Rat Snake a couple of more times after that first meeting. It seemed to hang out along side the A/C unit. One of the Comcast technicians told me that he too had a rat snake that liked to lie in his A/C unit pan where it was cool and wet.
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
On May 26th, I observed the snake coming through my back yard near the shed. Then, again, nearly two months later, on July 26th, I observed the snake slither across the street and disappear into the neighbor's yard.
I don't recall seeing the Black Rat Snake since then ... and noting that I now have moles tunneling around my yard. I rather wish that snake would come back! It supposedly is a timid snake that tends to avoid confrontation.
A couple of days ago, I did see a
Juvenile Southern Black Racer coming up my driveway. So, maybe this adult snake will soon return. I'll let you know if/when I see it!
You know, I've surely seen my share of snakes in Florida. Check out my blog post in the
Florida Scarlet Snake. In that post, I share photos of the Florida Scarlet Snake along with an adult Black Racer Snake, Common Garter Snake, and Water Moccasin Snake. Check out my other blog post on the
Red Rat Snake for photographs of a really colorful snake. Oh, that Red Rat Snake was a lot less friendly than this Black Rat Snake!!
UPDATE! October 20, 2017, I happened to be looking out my back window one morning and saw something that caught my eye. It actually looked like a black stick standing up in the grass. I watched it and then saw it move. Ah, my black rat snake. Only thing? It sure was a lot bigger than my black rat snake of about a year and a half ago.
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
Take a look at the size of the body of this black rat snake. It is definitely a lot bigger than the previous snake. Could it be the same snake?
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
The head of this black rat snake is definitely a lot larger than the previous snake! I don't know that I have a family of black rat snakes under my house, but it is possible!
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
As I watched this snake move through the grass, I couldn't help but "marvel" at the length of it. I was wondering if maybe there was another snake moving along with it. The body just went on and on.
Black Rat Snake - Leesburg, Florida |
Researching black rat snakes, I read that they are considered medium-sized snakes. They can reach a length of 70 inches. I'd say this snake was very close to that length, easily being over 5 ft. long and probably closer to 6 ft.
Thinking back to this last sighting, that morning and the previous morning, I had been spraying a bleach cleaner around the stone at the A/C unit at the back of the house. I also had sprayed some distilled vinegar on some cat urine near my shed in the carport. I'm guessing that the smell of these cleaners possibly got the snake moving to another house.
It was a few months back, when I was walking around the back of the house, to the right of the A/C unit, that I smelled the most rancid, putrid smell. I thought something had died right there under the house. Thinking back to that smell, I really think it was the black rat snake emitting the odor as a defense against some perceived predator. I'm not sure whether that defensive gesture would come from another snake of the same species entering this snake's domain. Quite possibly!! So, that could mean two larger black rat snakes slithering around my lot. Watch where YOU step!!
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