
Saturday, October 04, 2014

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls are a Worldwide Phenomenon

Do you know about Stuffed Cabbage? Oh boy, you should know about this comfort food! You see, Stuffed Cabbage has seriously become a worldwide phenomenon like we haven't seen for another such Hungarian comfort food. Why not Google "stuffed cabbage" and "stuffed cabbage rolls" if you have a couple of minutes. You might notice that everybody is talking about this comfort food! I'd like to think that I have helped, throughout the years, encouraging people to express their love for the ethnic dish. And, we know that Martha Stewart has added her voice to the discussion as well.

hungarian stuffed cabbage in cast iron pot cooking
I honestly can't think of another dish quite like it. But, I am partial to the one that I think is best. You know, it seems that there are so many versions of the recipe throughout Eastern Europe and the world.

For me, I don't think there is any recipe better than traditional Hungarian like the recipe my grandmother Julia Nagy handed down to us. She had a secret ingredient that added that special flavor.

Photo: Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls in cast-iron pot cooking - copyright JaguarJulie.

Stuffed Cabbage as it's known worldwide!
I spent quite a bit of time researching this information to assemble this list. Did I get your country on that list?

hungarian stuffed cabbage roll on plate by jaguarjulie
* Golubtsy - Russia
* Golabki (little pigeons) - Poland
* Halubcy - Belarus
* Holishkes - Ashkenazi Jewish
* Holubki - Czech Republic and Slovakia
* Holubtsi - Ukraine
* Kaldolmar - Sweden
* Kaalikaaryle - Finland
* Kohlroulade - Austria
* Krautwickel - Germany
* Lahana Dolmasi - Turkey
* Malfoof - Jordan (Middle East)
* Rouru Kyabetsu - Japan
* Sarma - The Balkans
* Sarmale - Romania
* Toltott Kaposzta - Hungary
* Vegetarian - Worldwide

Who Loves Stuffed Cabbage?

Martha Stewart loves making Golabki aka little pigeons; the Polish version. Undoubtedly, Martha Stewart is the brand ambassador for Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls. And, I am the Hungarian version brand ambassador!

Stuffed Cabbage Worldwide Popularity Poll
For several years, we asked our readers to register their votes on their favorite version of the recipe. We asked them to pick just one of their favorite comfort food recipes. The votes are in!

Stuffed Cabbage Worldwide Popularity Poll results

The poll results:

3% Golubtsy - Russia, 21% Golabki - Poland, 1% Halubcy - Belarus, 4% Holishkes - Ashkenazi Jewish, 7% Holubki - Czech Republic and Slovakia, 4% Holubtsi - Ukraine, 1% Kaldolmar - Sweden, 0% Kaalikaaryle - Finland, 1% Kohlroulade - Austria, 5% Krautwickel - Germany, 1% Lahana Dolmasi - Turkey, 1% Malfoof - Jordan (Middle East), 1% Rouru Kyabetsu - Japan, 3% Sarma - The Balkans, 4% Sarmale - Romania, 36% Toltott Kaposzta - Hungary, 5% Vegetarian - Worldwide

2,273 people have voted in this poll.

#1 - The top vote with 36% : Toltott Kaposzta - Hungary
#2 - The second highest vote with 21% : Golabki - Poland

Why do you think these rolls are so popular?

Because JaguarJulie has promoted it perhaps? If you haven't noticed, this ethnic food has become a popular food. Every day someone is blogging about them and talking about the various ingredients that they use. We want to thank the fans for making this a talked about comfort food worldwide!

Has Martha Stewart 'popularized' them? We will honestly give credit to Martha for making Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls a worldwide phenomenon. On her TV Show, she was always preparing some of those rolls!

For several years, we ran a debate asking this very question. I have selected a few of the comments.

Oh yes, I'd say it's definitely because of Martha Stewart!
  1. Hard to say. But when someone famous really gets behind something, it usually makes a difference. So I will vote for Martha.
  2. I agree that Martha Stewart has made cooking popular again, especially in the younger households.
  3. Well, there must be some reason that the homey and comforting cabbage rolls got trendy, I assume that it is Martha, tho you don't need to be a celebrity to know what's genuinely good!

No, I think it has gained in popularity because of some other reason.
  1. I think that stuffed cabbage was very popular before Martha Stewart, however, it may have been in my family.
  2. No, I would say our Grandmothers made it popular. Thank you to all the grandmothers. =)
  3. I say it is a combination. I think that Martha Stewart has helped popularize stuffed cabbage rolls. Stuffed cabbage rolls have been the tradition of many countries so it is not just Martha Stewart alone.

Which country's recipe is the best?

It's a head-to-head debate pitting Hungarian vs. Polish! I've done years of research and have noticed that two countries dominate! So, which one -- Hungarian or Polish is the best? We ran that debate for a number of years, as well. All in all, the results were pretty much the same as our original poll results ... rather a 3 to 2 vote making Hungarian the best as rated by our readers!! Here's what a few of them had to say about it.

Polish is the best!
  1. I have to go with my heritage!
  2. My gramma' made the best stuffed cabbage. We lived in an area of Chicago where Polish foods dominated and that sort of influenced the way we ate. 'Course, almost any stuffed cabbage is well worth the time it takes to enjoy it.
  3. I'd have to vote Polish... I learned how to make them from my dad, who in turn learned from his Polish mother. Oh, and my own grandmother (maternal) used to shop at West Side Market.... as did I, up until a couple of years ago when I moved out of the U.S.!

Hungarian is the best!
  1. It's just a dish that screams Hungarian. Like Hungarian Goulash.
  2. I grew up eating the Hungarian style of Stuffed Cabbage. We always had it at the holidays and friends and relatives were requesting it at weddings, parties, etc.
  3. Well, may ancestors came from Vas County Hungary, and grandma was a GREAT COOK so I'd have to say Hungary has it! Thanks for this!

Thanks for visiting!

So, can you pick between the two; i.e. Hungarian or Polish? Maybe you are a little of both yourself - like me! I've tried a lot of stuffed cabbage in my lifetime and I always come back to my Grandma's recipe. It's got to be Hungarian! You know, Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls are the perfect comfort food! Grandma surely knew best. Thanks Grandma!!

History: Stuffed Cabbage : The Best Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Ever was originally created on Squidoo by JaguarJulie on December 21, 2007. In December 2008, it was voted the 'Best Cooking Lens' in the 2008 Giant Squid Awards Competition for Food and Cooking. On April 16, 2009 this lens earned the Purple Star Award for quality content.

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