
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sunflower Plants at 24 Inches Tall

Today I did my measurements of the sunflower plants rather than waiting for Sunday. Good thing I did that as the tallest height of the sunflower plants is now 24 inches tall. How about that? Two feet of growth in 43 days.

Sunflower Plant Height of Twenty-Four Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Height of Twenty-Four Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
I did my height measurement at the same spot I've been measuring the plants for the past 4 weeks. Then, I went to the second row in to check the height there.

Sunflower Plant Height of Twenty-Four Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Height of Twenty-Four Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
How about that? I found there had been a little extra growth over the past week in that second row. I found the tallest height also at 24 inches - although it looks like 25 inches.


I didn't do a width measurement of those first two tallest sunflower plants as I noticed in the fourth row that there was a really leafy plant.

Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
There was a uniform measurement on that plant of eighteen inches across and eighteen inches wide.

Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
I will need to check out the widest measurement on some of the individual leaves as they are looking pretty substantial in size. Take a look at the overall plant that is the widest.


Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen by Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen by Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
 Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen by Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Width of Eighteen by Eighteen Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
You might think that the widest sunflower plant is the wildest! In some regards, maybe, as this plant is a bit different from the others. I would say it is from one of the organic sunflower seeds! In last year's garden the third row planted were 2 packets of Burpee Organic Sunflower Seeds. Those plants were not like the others.

On the organic sunflower plants, I found the leaves were larger and much more defined. They also seemed a little "furry" with choppy or zig-zaggy edges. Thankfully, the stalks on the organic plants were much thicker and sturdier, to support those extra leaves!


Sunflower Plant Height of Twenty-Four Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Sunflower Plant Height of Twenty-Four Inches at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
There is that shot of the sunflower plants next to the decorative edging. If you compare this picture with the previous week's sunflower garden picture against the decorative edging, you can appreciate all the extra growth.

My second sunflower garden has been shaping up to be much better than my first sunflower garden of one year ago! That first flower garden had only three rows of plants. This second flower garden has four rows and more than double the plants!


My Second Sunflower Garden at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
My Second Sunflower Garden at 43 Days ~ JaguarJulie
Photo Taken: April 26, 2014
In my May 17, 2013 blog post, I did a bit of time-lapse photography with that above picture, charting the growth of my first sunflower garden.


Over the course of the past 43 days, after planting the sunflower seeds with Sta-Green Potting Mix, I added more of that potting mix to the four rows on three different occasions. Then, on the 42nd day, I picked up a bag of Kgro All-Purpose 24-8-16 Water Soluble Plant Food. I mixed up the blue crystals in my large green 5 liter watering can for four different applications, one per row.

This year's garden is a comparison of sorts to my first garden. Last year, it was all Miracle-Gro -- potting mix and Miracle-Gro 1001233 All Purpose 24-8-16 Plant Food. We will be comparing Miracle-Gro to the "other" products; i.e. Sta-Green and Kgro!


I was just shopping on Amazon for Burpee Organic Sunflower Seeds and found two products which I would want to try:
  1. Burpee Sunflower Mammoth 60740 (Yellow) 20 Organic Seeds
  2. Sunflower Seeds, Autumn Beauty Mix Organic 1 Pkt. (30 seeds)

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