
Friday, March 14, 2008

Jaguar Julie Squidoo SquidAngel

What it means to be a Squidoo SquidAngel: Blessings to you, my dear! An Angel Gets its Wings: Jaguar Julie Squidoo SquidAngel.

This is the SECOND instance, as the first instance was on Squidoo, that I've actually written about my Catholic upbringing in Cleveland, Ohio, and what an impact it had on my spiritual being. You see, it was the nuns and priests that I encountered in elementary and grade school who instilled in me strong Christian beliefs, particularly in Heaven and in Angels!

Then, after my grandparents all passed on it was in Lily Dale, a spiritualist community in Chautauqua County that I had my first spiritual reading. At that time, I was told that there were auras around me of two women; i.e. my grandmothers. They were likened to my particular guardian angels.

So, since my early days of schooling to today, I have had an appreciation for angels and take the role of Squidoo SquidAngel quite seriously! "Never treat such a blessing lightly my dear!" Want to know more about it? Well ... what are you waiting for!

P.S. What kind of angel are YOU???

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