
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Are you a fan of your opposite-sex celebrity look-a-like

Are you a fan of your opposite-sex celebrity look-a-like? The other day, I told you about my discovering the face recognition, celebrity match site of

Well, I want to tell you about one of my matches that I find most interesting!

I had opted to view all matches, both female and male, to see what male celebrities I might resemble. Wow, what a pleasant surprise for me when I put in one of my older pictures as a beauty pageant winner. Take a look below at the picture to see for yourself who it might be!
  1. Evangeline Lilly 53%
  2. Ricky Martin 52% [shown above in the picture]
  3. Shania Twain 51%
  4. Kylie Minogue 51%
  5. Jennifer Capriati 51%
  6. Ashley Judd 51%
  7. Amanda Peet 47%
So, judging from the other celebrities in the list above, wouldn't that mean then that Evangeline Lilly is a match for Ricky Martin and vice versa?

It tickles me that Ricky Martin is one of my matches as I have been one of his fans for quite some time. I've waiting ever so patiently for Ricky to cut another album and to return to performing so that I may have a chance of finally seeing him in person. Each time that Godiva Chocolates has had a charity auction on eBay, I've been there! Yes, I've bid way too much of my hard-earned money, but come up on the short end of the stick, being outbid each time! Hey, Ricky!, can you hear me?

P.S. Have you ever heard about people, as they grow older, beginning to look more like their pets? Well, for me, I much prefer to look like someone of which I'm a big fan!

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