
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Buzz on Word of Mouth Marketing or WOMMA

In case you haven't heard, WOMMA is the official trade association for the word of mouth marketing industry. So, what exactly is word of mouth marketing?

"Word-of-mouth is more about farming than it is about hunting. Building your business through word-of-mouth is about cultivating relationships with people who get to know you and trust you."

"Word of mouth is the passing of information by verbal means, especially recommendations, but also general information, in an informal, person-to-person manner, rather than by mass media, advertising, organized publication, or traditional marketing. Word of Mouth is typically considered a spoken communication, although web dialogue, such as blogs, message boards and emails are often now included in the definition

A very successful word of mouth promotion creates a buzz. A buzz is a highly intense and interactive form of word of mouth. Word of mouth is essentially a linear process with information passing from one individual to another, then to another, etc. A marketer has successfully created a buzz when the interactions are so intense that the information moves in a matrix pattern rather than a linear one. Everyone is talking about the topic."

If you've got pertinent case studies, reports, research, and white papers, the WOMMA's new blog/library/newsletter, The Womnibus, is building their repository. Contact them at or email

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