Getting straight to the point! The next day, after seeking urgent medical care attention, I one-handedly googled to find if any other poor soul might have experienced a similar injury. I found two forums for Mercedes-Benz and SLK drivers, and left a one-hand typed caution. You see, I found several car drivers mention being hit in the head with their trunks, but no one said they injured their hand. What my message to those of you with those hydraulic struts meant to hold open your trunks, IF you get a warning bang on the head, HEED it! Immediately replace those hydraulic trunks struts.
At this time, some seven days later, the cast-like splint has been removed and I have been informed that I have no broken bones. I have just started to use my right hand to type; however, I am not pain-free. We are waiting to see if I need to follow up with an orthopedic doctor ... fingers crossed = not.

See if you can find that roadster of mine in my post about the Best Roadsters Ever.
How awful, Julie! Fingers crossed, for sure, and warning noted. You might want to tweet it, as well.
Ouch, I was wondering how you hurt your arm.
On the bright side, at least your nails still look good =)
Thanks Cheryl. Hopefully no one else will experience such a mishap.
Thanks Jeff. I guess the cast/splint does focus on my nail job. Gosh, sure glad I didn't break a nail. ;)
Hi Julie, just saw your arm. Glad to see it wasn't serious. Gary
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