Take a look at this fan art mosaic of my Stuffed Cabbage page. I see a lot of friendly faces there. If you are one of those friendly faces, my fellow Squidoo lensmasters, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there! Wow, 271 of my friends! That's not a bad number considering that I see 1,694 total fans on my profile page. And, thank you to the 531 lensmasters who have taken time to add their star to the page! Muchas Gracias and Köszönöm.

What's been very meaningful to me has been the "history" so to speak for this one meaningful lens! On April 16, 2009, this Stuffed Cabbage lens earned a purple star -- it's that special award for lenses with quality content made by Giant Squids. That was my very first purple star. Then, on April 19, 2009, this lens made it into the #1 spot overall on Squidoo; occupying that spot for some 24 days. That has been my only #1 lens, and it has meant the world to me. As Squidoo lensmasters we are rewarded in many meaningful ways. It's really not about the money; it is a form of acknowledgement that will stick with you.
It has been equally cool that there has been Google love for Stuffed Cabbage, much to the almost surprise of my hubby! He just smiles when I tell him all this stuff! Google has given this lens a pagerank of 6; that's pretty good I think. The lens has been getting great traffic too; traffic that should keep it in the overall Top 100; it's been there for over a year -- 465 days. Hmmm, I think I need to make some Stuffed Cabbage this weekend.
So, thank you those of you who have been a part of this remarkable, meaningful journey! I will never forget this.
*P.S. No, my grandma did not get run over by a reindeer. ;)
I believe that your lenses do so well because they are honest. We can tell that you put a little bit of your heart and soul in each and everyone and we really appreciate it and enjoy what you share with us.
Jeff, that is indeed very kind of you to say this. Interesting, I think of my grandma again. She was like other grandmas in that she always said to be kind to others, don't say something unkind. For me, I have sincerely enjoyed 'creating' different styles of lenses and HAVE done them not with some preconceived notion to try and make oodles of money, but to be honest. Whatever journeys there are in store for us, I wish you the best!
Jeff is right. Your lenses are very conversational, and you really care about them (all 600+ of them!) Happy holidays to you, with warm memories of your grandmother.
Ah [oh did I tell you there is a story behind that Ah -- it's the Aa that Jeff shared with me], my dear Kim. You are indeed sweet to say that. I think you get it too, in more ways than one. Squidoo and the power of Squidoo ... for me it has been a real journey ... a journey of almost 4 years! That's lightyears in internet time. Who would have thunk that I would still be banging out lenses! Huh? I know some lensmasters might say "Oh NO, not that JaguarJulie AGAIN!" But, it has been fun and enjoyable and I have met some really cool lensmasters who I sincerely think of as friends and I know I will remember THEM the rest of my earthly life.
And, Kim! Thank YOU for being one of THEM. ;)
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