
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A Fur-ry Trend for Fall and Winter

I've previously mentioned a special website I had discovered for fashion trends, Alexis and Gianni.
According to them,
"Fur this season is everywhere and has become both elegantly casual and casually elegant ... Accessories are HUGE this fall. Little stoles and shrugs are being shown for both casual days and black tie evenings. A wonderful fur scarf or shawl adds that perfect touch of fur."
Well, with that trend in mind, I'm showcasing a number of genuine fur collars, stoles, scarves, and fur-trimmed items in my eCrater store. Here are some of these pretty fur items:
  • Mahogany Mink Fur Stole Vintage
  • Leopard Mink Fur Notched Collar
  • Chocolate Mahogany Mink Fur Collar
  • Tanuki Raccoon Fur Collar Shawl
  • Black Fox Fur Collar + Cuffs Set -- Sold!
Update: I removed those authentic fur items from my eCrater store because of extremely nasty emails I was getting. Today, it is not a trend or trendy to wear real fur items!! Think about the little animals.