
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Returning from a brief hiatus -- I am back!

Isn't it just incredible? With the proliferance of social media platforms coupled with all the social interactions, if you miss a day, you miss a lot! Then try and imagine if you miss several days ... how incredibly challenging it can be to play catch up and try to figure out who, what, where, when, how and WHY? Well, don't you just hate it when life has to interrupt our online interactions? It sometimes might contribute to our friends thinking us as a bit anti-social or non-interactive.

Multitasking and multiple responsibilities certainly have kept me busy ... and I know a lot of moms and Rocketmoms out there are similarly busy. Whew!

I've been scanning a variety of forums and platforms to get a feel for what I've been missing. It is impossible to communicate with everyone or have the time to intelligently contribute to everything, so I've got to pick and choose.

I did make time to create some new lenses though. You see, these are a bit of therapy for me as is my Zazzle store. But, I'm noticing that my previous visitors aren't calling on me lately -- but I do see them elsewhere as I visit MANY lenses on a daily basis. Could it be all the groups of Squidoo that are occupying these people? Oh, I do hope they decide to come outside their comfort zones and groups to pay me and others a visit. I know the Rocketmoms include quite a few members now; shucks, the other day I visited a brand new -- JUST created -- lens to see 19 star ratings! Holy moly batman -- I've got lenses that are months and months old, but have one hand's worth of star ratings! Hello, can you hear me now?

I think Tony and Achim would both agree that I need to write more on the topic of humor. I am working on that and came up with a little ditty the other day. A little tongue-in-cheek humor exercise today -- putting words in my mouth(((s)))! ;)

P.S. Time for a remark from our sponsor(s). I sure would love to see a really good sports-minded lens. You got one??? Hey, let me know so I can visit it. Oh, and HELP!!! I think we are being overrun by zhu zhus.