
Saturday, June 17, 2006

How Old Are You - Take the Eons Challenge

How Old Are You?  Take the Eons Challenge! I recently heard about Eons, a new company that focuses on helping a generation of boomers and seniors live the biggest life possible.

Eons celebrates life that begins at 50 and wants to help people celebrate their accomplishments and make the most of today.

Eons won't launch until July, but they're already encouraging people like me to get perspective on the things I really want to achieve with their "How Old Are You?" challenge.

It's easy: Tell Eons just one or up to 100 things you want to do before you are 100 and, once you're registered, you could win a chance to make one of those dreams come true!

P.S. I just checked on the Eons website and see that it is temporarily parked!